#37: George Bryant & Jake Appleton - Beer Eye & Men's Mental Health

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Have you ever gone through a difficult moment in your life? Depression, abuse, loss — these are awful and unfortunate things some of us have to deal with. In these cases, it’s not easy to know what to do to regain control of our emotions and reactions. Remember that you’re not alone on this journey. Know that things can and will get better. 

In this episode, the boys talk to George and Jake about their mental health struggles and the BeerEye project they have started to help remove the stigma from men’s mental health. We talk about how their perceptions of mental health changed as they embarked on their individual journeys, how men can help one another to open up and much much more!

Here are 3 reasons why you should listen to the full episode:

  1. Learn why men, in general, struggle more dealing with their mental health and confiding in others.

  2. What are the stigmas attached to mental health and how can we change perceptions?

  3. Understand that opening up is not a sign of weakness but a sign of strength.

5 Powerful Quotes from This Episode

  1. “I lost my identity. I didn’t recognise who I saw when I looked in the mirror.”

  2. “I felt like a shell of myself and internally just shattered.”

  3. “There are still some friends who I wouldn’t reach out to because I feel like I’m burdening them and that is part of the stigma.”

  4. “Everybody’s mental health journey is different and everyone has different triggers so there isn’t one right answer to treat it.”

  5. “Mental health isn’t like a broken leg where we can all look at it and agree it’s bad. It can’t be seen and can only be described with our words.”

Episode Highlights

Upholding a “Persona”

●      A common theme amongst men is this feeling that we must uphold a certain persona we have created over the years and it is how we are now recognised.

●      To be truthful about your mental health struggle is to break from the persona for which you are now known.

●      This can be a scary proposition as we don’t know how others will react once they see behind the curtain and understand that the persona is a just a facade put on for them.

Removing Stigma

●      There is a stigma that looking for help is a weakness as men especially should be able to solve their own problems.

●      By speaking out and having conversations about our personal struggles we can show that seeking help is a strength, not a weakness.

Confiding in Others

●      By confiding in others we relieve ourselves of the built-up pressure mental health can bring.

●      A problem shared is a problem halved.

●      By confiding in others we are taking the first steps on our healing journey.

●      Often, confiding in others leads to your friends also sharing something they have been struggling with so you can be there for each other.

Relationship with Alcohol

●      We can often look for answers at the bottom of the bottle although that is not where they are found.

●      Having a healthy relationship with alcohol can be helpful and let us unwind with friends but we need to be careful why and when we decide to drink.

●      For men, the pub can often be a place where we unload our problems and talk openly with our friends so we can embrace that when we need help.

The BeerEye Project

●      George and Jake have started the Beer Eye project which will celebrate great beers and encourage honest and open conversation about mental health whilst enjoying the hoppy taste of a local beer with friends.

●      Due to COVID the boys have had to stop filming but have started the BeerEye Pubcast in the meantime to encourage mental health conversation.

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To removing stigma,

Jim and Seb


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