#94: Ronni Abergel - The Human Library

Ronni Abergel is an author and founder of the Human Library Organization, where real people with real stories are on loan to readers instead of books. At the Human Library, people have the opportunity to talk with others who are often discriminated against to find out about their lives and to get a better idea of what’s it like to be them. A man who is deeply committed to facilitating communication and making our society a less judgemental place, Ronni started the Human Library at a festival in Denmark 20 years ago and it is now located in 85 countries across the world. This conversation covers a lot, including the collective intolerance of the intolerant, our lack of curiosity and the power of conversation. We also discuss the process of changing people’s opinions and perspectives on issues and how this usually takes an extended period of time. This serves as inspiration for having conversations with people we disagree strongly. We won’t change their mind immediately and vice versa but if there is curiosity and respect, greater understanding can be achieved. If you want to learn more about Ronni and The Human Library, check the link below in the show notes. Finally, thanks to Ronni for his time. Seb and I really enjoyed this. 



#95: Manuel Salazar - Fighting Climate Change


#93: Dr Iseult Twamley - Open Dialogue; The Future of Mental Health Care?