#95: Manuel Salazar - Fighting Climate Change

This week we chatted with Environmental activist Manuel Salazar who has been associated with the organisation Extinction Rebellion in Ireland since its inception in 2018. Extinction Rebellion is a global environmental movement, with the aim of using nonviolent civil disobedience to compel government action to avoid tipping points in the climate system, biodiversity loss, and the risk of social and ecological collapse. The media I consume often depict Extinction Rebellion as quite extreme and lacking a clear structure to achieve its aims. I invited Manuel on to talk about this and much more. For anyone frustrated at the lack of large-scale environmental response or who feels heavily judged by environmentalists for not living a carbon-conscious lifestyle – this is the podcast for you. This is a well-rounded chat with someone who deeply cares about the state of our planet and who is willing to sacrifice a lot to demonstrate this passion. If you want to learn more about Manuel and/or Extinction Rebellion, check out the links below. Thanks to Manuel for this time, all the best friends!


#96: Ciara Sherlock - Psychedelic integration and Women’s Circles


#94: Ronni Abergel - The Human Library